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HWA Blog - 13.12.24

On Monday evening, I held our Governor’s meeting, and it was lovely to welcome them and Liz O’Shaughnessy, who is part of the MAT central team for training and development, to our meeting. Everyone made valuable contributions and posed challenges.   

During the meeting, the Governors received an update from myself regarding the school, numbers, building estates document, progress, standards and attainment and approved a number of policies. The governors reviewed the progress and achievements of the school over the past term and we also discussed the outcomes of external accreditations in the summer for EYFS, KS1, KS2 and KS4. This review is crucial in ensuring that we maintain our high standards and continue to provide the best possible education for our children and young people. We then reviewed the school development plan and the progress made this term including the analysis of our safeguarding audits, attendance and pastoral aspects of our school's provision. Mrs Tushingham also gave an update on the year-to-date position on finance, including the 3-year budget plan. 

I always look forward to our Governor’s meetings as it gives me the opportunity to celebrate our achievements and highlight any areas of development with the continuous challenge from our Governors so that myself and the senior leadership team are constantly striving for the best for our children and young people.  

On Tuesday afternoon, we held our pastoral and year 11 academic parents' evening. It was fantastic to see so many families and it was clear when speaking to you that your child is happy attending school and has settled well into the new academic year. It was lovely to speak to year 11 families, as they were bursting with pride from the conversations had regarding progress and attainment with the teachers regarding MOCK exams. The importance of continued collaboration between home and school is paramount to Hollinwood Academy.  

On Thursday afternoon, we held our FANTASTIC primary Christmas Nativity Honky Tonky Donkey. The children were absolutely amazing from the Reception children carrying out the nativity scene to our brave and confident year 6 narrators and fabulous Freya as our Honky Tonky Donkey and all the children and year groups in between. Thank you to all the children and staff and it was clear to see from the faces of the families that you enjoyed it as much as our amazing children did. It certainly got me into the Christmas spirit. You will read more about our Christmas Nativity in the termly newsletter next week.  

We also raised a massive £190 on the raffle that will be going to our new HWA bus funds – thank you to everyone that bought a ticket.  


Let’s see what some of the classes have been doing starting with Mrs Lerigo’s Reception class…  


"Reception class have had an extremely busy term, and this week has been no different!  

We have dedicated lots of time this week to rehearsals for the Christmas Show. We have been singing, signing and practicing our lines; we need to use big voices!!!  

In phonics we have been recapping set 1 and 2 sounds and have started to put sounds together to make words. We have had some wow moments that have made Miss Emma scream out with surprise ……I am so proud of what the children achieve daily but the special surprises that happen make all the staff so happy and we realise how hard the children are trying and working towards meeting their goals!  

In Understanding the World, we have been learning about different religions and how they celebrate. We have learnt about Diwali, Hanukkah, Bodhi Day and we are now focussing on The Nativity Story. We have realised that all religions have one similarity, they all use light to represent their celebrations. 

We have also been looking at animals that come out during the day and those that come out at night. We have been sorting animals into groups - Nocturnal or Diurnal. We have made night monkeys, owls, and this week we have been focusing on the Tarantula!  

In maths we have been revising our main topics. We have looked at what 2d shapes we can see on 3d shapes, we used pens to identify these shapes and drew around the shapes we could identify. We then wrapped the shapes up with wrapping paper and tape and put them under the Christmas tree. 

A very, very, busy fun filled week as always in reception, you are all superstars and Miss Emma, and the team think you deserve lots of presents from Santa for all the good work you have done this term. "

Miss Emma 

ELO - 13.12.24



Now to Miss Gordon’s form… 


"9AGN have had an exciting few weeks! 

In English we have been learning about what transport might look like in the future!  

In Science, we have explored forces, reactions and learnt the elements in the periodic table! 

In Maths, we have just finished learning about shapes, volume and area.  

In addition to this, in Geography we have been looking at natural disasters, in particular earthquakes and volcanoes.   

In History this half term we have studied the First World War and we are really enjoying this topic!  

Our students in P.E have really enjoyed doing trampolining, learning how to safely do seated drops and front drops. Our Outdoor Educations lessons have had them visiting garden centres in the run up to Christmas! "

AGN - 13.12.24



Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA We are Inspiring STARs...


Mrs Lerigo’s STAR of the week is Korey for amazing singing, signing and dancing. 

Mrs Lerigo’s HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Ariella for inspiring others to use their loud voices in The Nativity by leading the way with her loud voice. 

Mrs Sutcliffe’s STAR of the week is Effy for a wonderful Christmas Nativity performance. 

Miss Sutcliffe’s HWA We are Inspiring STARs are Kian and Teddy B for an inspiring performance in the Christmas Nativity– showing so much confidence! 

Miss Oakley’s STARs of the week are the whole class for a brilliant Christmas show! 

Miss Bailey’s STARs of the week are the whole class for a fantastic nativity performance!   

Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is Basil for trying something new for his dinner this week. 

Mrs Quinn’s HWA We are Inspiring STARs are Basil, Cody, Euan, George, Ohud, Riley and Roma for making our Christmas story sparkle during the performance.  

Miss Pietraszewska’s STAR of the week is Alfie for showing bravery and embracing his very first role-play sentence in our school's nativity! 

Miss Pietraszewska’s HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Freddie for coming back to school with a smile after being off poorly. Well done Freddie! 

Mr Corrigan’s STAR of the week is Lewis for being assertive with his peers this week. 

Mr Corrigan’s HWA We are Inspiring star is Faiha for a wonderful nativity performance. 

Mr Corrigan’s WOW moments go to Matthew and Mysha. Well done!  

Miss Hulme’s STARs of the week are the whole class for their fabulous performance in the Christmas nativity.  

Mrs Davies’ STARs of the week are Anna, Arissa, Olly and William for: taking part in the primary nativity and doing a fantastic performance. 

Miss Tootill’s STAR of the week is George for reading his lines clearly in nativity.  

Miss Tootill’s HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Alice for inspiring others in the nativity.  

Miss Gittins’ STAR of the week is Oscar for always giving 100% effort in every task. 

Miss Gittins’ HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Freya for remembering all of her lines and performing in our Nativity 

Miss Matthew’s STARs of the week are Xander for offering lots of ideas in lessons and showing exemplary behaviour every day! Also, the whole of 6HMS for your amazing contribution to our whole school nativity! 

Miss Matthew’s HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Bobby for settling into HWA so well and being such a fantastic support to other children! 

Miss Matthew’s WOW moment goes to Jason. Well done!  

STARS of the Week (13.12.24)

Scientist of the week is Maya from Miss Oakley’s class. 


Just a reminder of the important dates next week: 


  •      Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner 
  •      Thursday 19th December – Christmas Markets 
  •      Friday 20th December – School closes for the Christmas break 
  •      Monday 6th January 2025 – School reopens for the new term 


I hope you have a lovely weekend.   

Mrs Millard